In recent years, shipping containers have started to be used for far more than just storing and transporting products and belongings. From tiny houses to art galleries, the world of creative shipping container use is just starting. One of the most popular uses in recent times has been creating a shipping container commercial kitchen. The size of the container makes them perfect for commercial kitchens, and their aesthetic can play very well with rustic restaurants. In this article, Port Shipping Containers discusses the top trends of the modern container kitchen, while looking into why they work so well for a number of different businesses in the hospitality industry.

Design Trends

Choosing a shipping container kitchen gives you a wide variety of options in terms of design and flow. The ability to open up one side to the public gives it a very inviting and encouraging feel, allowing you to create spaces such as kiosk-style serving areas. You can also choose an industrial chic look that takes into consideration the natural industrial look of the container while maintaining a minimalistic design. Another great idea that is popular with restaurateurs is adding a wooden finish to accent the industrial design of the container.

Practical Features

A shipping container outdoor kitchen is a great idea that can work wonders for your business. Adding to the aesthetics of the container is the practical features that it provides. Durable elements such as metal benches, easy-to-clean floors and lockable windows make the space a breeze to operate while providing an added layer of security. Furthermore, shipping containers are made with robust and sturdy materials, which means an outdoor shipping container commercial kitchen can withstand harsh weather conditions.

Functional Enhancements

In order for a kitchen to be viable for a business owner, it has to be functional and easy to maintain. Shipping containers provide the perfect space for this. They allow options such as awnings for weather protection, easy-to-maintain and clean surfaces and versatile layouts to fit your kitchen needs. All of these aspects can be modified and customised to suit your specific requirements, giving you a space that is easy to work in.


One of the great things about shipping container kitchens is the level of versatility that they offer. Not only are they fantastic for restaurants, but they are also a great option for pop-up events and food trucks. A shipping container commercial kitchen can easily be modified so that it is mobile. The only thing you will need to figure out is getting it moved from one location to the next. This is something that the expert team at Port Shipping Containers can help you with.

To find out more about shipping container outdoor kitchen options, get in touch online today and speak with one of our friendly team.

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